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Size: 7.5-11; ; Eco friendly socks made from 75% organic cotton & 25% recycled polyester.( more info below).; Hang sell card made from recycled materials.

Our wildlife themed socks are the most Eco-Friendly available on the market.
Made from 75% Organic Cotton & 25% recycled polyester.

ORGANIC COTTON is a sustainable fabric because it is grown without the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides and GMO seeds. It also uses much less water and energy than conventional cotton. Organic cotton has a lower environmental impact and supports better soil health and biodiversity.
All cotton is biodegradable however non-organic cotton will release toxins, polluting nature, and potentially posing a danger to wildlife.

RECYCLED POLYESTER FIBRE is made with plastic bottles & reduces greenhouse gas emissions, water, and energy consumption. It diverts plastic waste from landfills to create durable, sustainable fibers.

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